Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thing #2 7 1/2 Habits

The hardest thing for me was to hit Submit. Lacking confidence in myself,when it comes to technology, is one of the biggest challenges I face. A sense of small drifts over me in this vast world of blogging or Wiki, fearing the turbulence of technology will leave me treading frantically, as another cresting wave of newer technology approaches. Fitted with my life jacket of resources, I am determined to stay afloat. For it will provide enough buoyancy to calm the opposing forces, as waves of ideas take form, exploding with precision over the sands of time. I know that it will magically come together, when I teach what I have learned to another. "If telling were the same as training, we'd all be so smart we could hardly stand ourselves." - Robert Mager.

1 comment:

Grendel said...

I think you will do just fine. Attitude is everything, and you are very positive about this experience. You will be glad you did this! Really!